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We Ship Daily by 2pm + FREE US Shipping > $49 !
October 18, 2017 3 min read
When Problems Interfere with Sleep Caring for a child is a lot of work during the day and throughout the night. Mothers often learn to distinguish the type of cries their babies making in order to determine what is wrong with them. Sometimes moms know what to do to fix a crying spell and other times it the solving it can be a riddle. One of the saddest things to witness when a child is unable to sleep at night because they are uncomfortable or are in pain. This discomfort may be from a variety of things such as fever,...
June 08, 2016 3 min read
Dealing with a Colic Baby As much as we know about colic today and what it does, no one is completely sure of how it is caused. However, what we do know is that a colicky baby goes through a crying spell for 2-3 weeks after they pop out of the oven. You could talk and walk as much as you want, you could rock the baby to see if it pacifiesΒ them, and no matter what you do, they are completely inconsolable. Β Then, suddenly, right before youΒ were about to pull out the last of yourΒ hairs, they stop on their own...
May 10, 2016 3 min read
What is Colic? Having a baby and taking care of it is a gift in itself regardless of the stressful moments. One of the most common things we expect a baby to do is cry, but when exactly does crying become abnormal? The matter can seem subjective for a parent. Nonetheless, if a healthy baby cries Β relentlessly over three hours a day, more than three days out of the week, and for nearly a month without a reason (not hungry, sleepy, wet, or sick), it is called colic. There are a number of reasons why it is often hard for...
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For Older Children and Pre-Teens, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of Pre-Teens inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
We offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support