Natural Anti-Inflammatory Remedies for the Skin

Anti-inflammatory Remedies

January 02, 2017 3 min read 1 Comment

Dealing with Skin Issues

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Remedies for the Skin

Struggling with skin issues can be depressing when you try anything and everything, but it seems as if nothing works. You do not need to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on skin care products that are filled with unnecessary additives that do more harm than good. What you apply on your skin gets directly absorbed into the bloodstream, so be cautious as to what you apply so the skin does not become further irritated when you are battling with a skin problem.

Acne, Psoriasis, and Eczema occur due to Inflammation

Skin issues such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema can occur just about anywhere  on the body, but it is especially devastating to some when it on the face because it is extremely visible for others to see. Its presence can leave people feeling self-conscious, depressed, and want to isolate themselves from others. It is possible to improve the overall appearance of your skin if you suffer from a skin disorder. Using things that fight swelling will also help get rid of warmth, redness, and discomfort should you also have these symptoms.

Four Remedies That Treat Inflamed Skin

       1. ||Honey||

 Honey is amazing when it is taken both internally and externally for reducing inflammation and easing all sorts of dermatitis. Not all honey is alike, however; you want to use only organic, raw honey to receive the best anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects.Baltic Essentials The humectant can speed up the tissue injury healing process too as it helps combat infections, rashes, and allergic reactions. It should be applied on the affected area as is, and left on for at least 10 minutes before wiping it off.

     2. ||Aloe Vera||

This plant contains an array of bacteria fighting and soothing substances that help reduce swelling, pain, itching, and redness caused by infections, injury, or disease. There are more than 75 active ingredients in aloe vera that treat swelling and promote healing. The gel-like consistencyBaltic Essentials makes applying aloe vera easy anywhere on the body, including fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and salicylic acids. It is best to leave it on the skin to do its magic for at least five minutes before washing it off. Alternatively, it may be applied to the affected area without needing to be washed off.


    3. ||Witch Hazel||

Witch Hazel is derived from a plant and contains anti-inflammatory and astringent prop
erties. It can be applied as a toner or mixed in with aBaltic Essentials
 mask of your choosing. If you are using it as a toner, be sure to allow it to completely absorb before applying your moisturizer.

    4. ||Oils and Butters||

Ensuring that the skin remains moisturized after cleaning the area is a must if you are dealing with eczema and psoriasis. Coconut oil can substitute as a moisturizer, and its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are what make it an excellent choice for those who have eczema or psoriasis. It also has the ability to strengthen skin tissue and get rid of excessive dead skin cells that accumulate on the outside of the skin. Shea butter has similar benefits, but it has a thicker consistency which is perfect for those who are prone to dry skin or find it more moisturizing during the winter.

Baltic Essentials

 However, if you are dealing with acne, it would be better to dry out the area after cleansing by using tea tree, lemon, or peppermint oil. These oils are also amazing antibacterials. Remember that they are essential oils that should be diluted before applying it to the skin.


Do not Lose Hope: It takes Time

It would be wonderful to see full results immediately, but the healing process, unfortunately, does not work as such. It takes a bit of time for a skin disorder to express itself, and it will also take some time for the symptoms that you are experiencing to feel better or go away. Remember that best results occur after continuing to keep these remedies in your skin regimen for several weeks.

Hazelwood can Naturally Treat Inflammation

No matter what skin disorder you are dealing with, Baltic Essentials Hazelwood is extremely effective at treating things like psoriasis and eczema.  Hazelwood comes from Hazelwood trees and works by creating a more alkaline environment within the body when it is acidic or the normal pH is thrown off. It also helps fight free radicals because it is high in antioxidants which help treat skin issues from within. There are Bracelets and Necklaces available that adults and children can wear. You will notice a difference after wearing it! Hazelwood Bracelet Heals Acne

1 Response


July 25, 2020

Is witch hazel the same as Hazelwood?

Please advise

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