Experiencing Heartburn? Try Baltic Essentials Hazelwood

Heartburn Relief

August 31, 2016 3 min read


Heartburn, or acid reflux, can be debilitating for those afflicted by the condition. It can also hit at any age, young or old, and can be short or long lasting. If there is one thing that is certain about heartburn's is that you’ll like immediately begin seeking relief when it comes. Heartburn's are not only painful, if frequent enough, it can lead to serious health complications. 

Many people experience it the most often while or after they are eating. Symptoms can range from burning sensations or a sour taste in your mouth, to an upset stomach and sore, inflamed throat. The condition can also do serious damage to your esophagus over time. If left untreated, the effects of heartburn have been linked to predisposing conditions found to cause esophageal cancer! Clearly, no matter your age, lifestyle, or occupation, finding relief from acid reflux and its array of symptoms is incredibly important because both your health and ability to live comfortably depend on it

You may or may not have heard how acid toxicity in the body can lead to all sorts of health complications and medical conditions.  The painful symptoms of heartburn occur when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus -– hence the sudden feeling of a  burning sensation and tightness are felt. Just imagining it sounds unbearable! Those that developed a hiatial hernia may also begin to experience heartburn symptoms that appear over time as the stomach abnormally pushes towards the chest. 

Treatment Options Are Available 

The good news is that acid reflux is easily treatable using a variety of different treatment options. The best results for many will likely be found from combining several of these treatment options. It is important to discover the numerous options one has when it comes to successfully treating heartburn.

Western medicine offers both over-the-counter and prescription medications. When taken regularly, these pills help manage the pain associated with heartburn, and minimize its occurrence.  Alternative practices, such as acupuncture, are also incredibly beneficial when received regularly. Another option known to be remarkably effective involves changing your diet by either eliminating or decreasing specific trigger foods that increase the likelihood of getting heartburn.

This may sound like bad news for those who happens to be die-hard fans of spicy or fried foods -- but all costs considered, many still find the dietary sacrifice or decrease to be worth it.  All of these methods do require regular and timely maintenance to see the best difference, but many who stick to it believe it is worth it.

Natural Benefits with Baltic Essentials Hazelwood

Thankfully, another highly beneficial treatment option exists -- particularly for those are interested in the curative approach of holistic medicine.  At Baltic Essentials, you can choose from an array of our medicinal Hazelwood products that are effective at easing the severity and frequency of acid reflux symptoms. The wondrous effects of Hazelwood are transferred to you moments after the beads come in contact with your body.


Hazelwood is a type of wood actually provides an alkalizing effect on your body’s pH level by absorbing excess acid buildup through your skin!  This helps your body restore and balance pH levels, minimizing acidosis of the body while reducing the presence of free-radicals. Hazelwood is also known for being a great source antioxidants, which are absorbed through your pores and delivered straight to the source!  

Baltic Essentials offers an array of Hazelwood Products in the form of attractive jewelry that is highly beneficial for sufferers of acid reflux and other digestive issues. That's right -- you will not only enjoy the benefits of a functional, natural option to relieve heartburn, you get choose from a selection of Bracelets and Necklaces that also look appealing to wear

You can choose from a number of different styles that incorporate all the medicinal qualities of Baltic Essentials’ Hazelwood, providing you with relief for as long as its worn – and stylishly at that! My personal favorite is the Hazelwood bracelet with Rose Quartz, but feel free to take a peek and choose your own favorite color combination.  The best part is, the beads each serve a different therapeutic purpose, as well! 

Looks aside, if you ever suffer from acid reflux or know someone that does, you’ll want to check these products out – your body will thank you for it!

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