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September 08, 2017 2 min read
ο»ΏThe Beginnings of Hazelwood Β Hazelwood is considered a medicinal source that was discovered years ago, and there are about 20 versions of these plants known today. It is thought that Aboriginals were the first to learn about Hazelwood. To this day, it is used for its ability to neutralize acidity in the body and create an alkaline environment. This amazing ability occurs because of the wood's powerful ability to absorb excess acid from the skin when it is worn. The wood is also capable of reducing free radicals because it is rich in anti-oxidants. It is best to keep...
September 06, 2017 2 min read 1 Comment
What is Amber and Hazelwood? Baltic Amber is derived from fossilized tree resin and comes in array ofΒ colors and shapes. It's active ingredient is succinic acid, which is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. Once it is warmed against your skin, the acid is sent directly to the bloodstream where it heals and strengthens the immune system. These positive effects all work wonders for soothing inflamed areas, get rid of drooling by stimulating the thyroid gland and treat autoimmune disorders. Wounds healing is accelerated, respiratory conditions are cared for, and a variety of infections are eliminated all by...
May 31, 2016 3 min read
Gas Pain in ToddlersΒ Whatever comes in must come out as well. We are able to release excess air in our bodies through our mouth by burping or releasing it on the other end. Gas is normal body function; adults and children pass gas between 15-25 times per day. Gas starts to feel uncomfortable when it stays in the body when it is supposed to come out. It is a concern because it will lead to gas pain in toddlers as well as bloating, upset stomach, or cramping. Kids have a high change of getting gas pain because they have...
April 21, 2016 3 min read
Digestive Pain DigestiveΒ pain is never a fun experience to have when it decides to make a surprise visit. It can come in the form of cramps, bloating, or after eating something that didn't quite sit right.Β gastrointestinal discomfort is often temporary and easy to treat; many find that just walk around the block can relieve them of symptoms. For others, it can be chronic or recurring, and could be a sign of something more serious. If the pain persists, further action may need to be taken. Since anΒ infiniteΒ number of conditions that may contribute to digestive pain, it is best to...
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For Older Children and Pre-Teens, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of Pre-Teens inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
We offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support