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November 14, 2018 2 min read
All About Ear Infections There is no such thing as a "little" injury; even something as small as a paper cut can be painful. Infections of the ear are no different, and its appearance can be a challenge to deal with throughout the day. Ear infections may be of bacterial or viral origin, and often occur due to allergies, a cold, sinus infections, mucous buildup or swollen tonsils, although other factors exist. The ear is also connected to the teeth and jaw, and occasionally, if an injury or infection were to occur in any of these areas, such as tooth...
November 14, 2018 3 min read
Does your Tooth Need Personal or Professional Touch? Depending on the root of the problem, you may or may not have to go to a dentist for tooth pain. If you have an inkling that your tooth pain is due to an abscess, loose fillings, cavities, or extreme sinus condition, remedies should only be used at relief until you can visit your doctor. However, if you are experiencing tooth or gum pain due to minor, short-lasting sinus conditions from being sick, the recent addition or removal of braces or because your wisdom teeth are growing in without alignment complications, at-home...
November 14, 2018 3 min read
Which Form of Acne Do You Suffer From? Not all people suffer from the same form of acne during the times it erupts. In a lot of cases, it is possible to have more than one type appear on the skin at the same time. This complex issue canΒ make how acne should be approached when you are treating the ailment. The rise of hormones or imbalance can happen to any age. It is also of no surprise that our diet and the environment may also play a role in the development of acne, putting genetics aside. The following below...
November 14, 2018 3 min read
Getting Painful Pimples For something so small, pimples can pack quite the punch on a person, whether it'sΒ physically or emotionally. The pain is often intensified if we dare to pop it which may or may not be successful. Even the aftermath of popping a pimple is ugly as it invites scabs and scars. The reason pimples sometimes hurt is because the pore has become infected due to the collect of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. This causes the body to fight back to kill the infection, wrapping the infected pore in a secluded bubble where inflammation takes place....
November 14, 2018 3 min read
Peace and Relaxation Does More Than We think Sometimes it is the simple things in life that help us the most. Something as basic as sleeping helps us reset our body so we can function to conquer each day as it comes. We often think doing more or buying a certain product will help increase our productivity, but we are truly capable of doing this ourselves without medicinal assistance, products, or programs. If you have never thought of meditation or given it a try, you would be pleasantly surprised to know it can help increase brain function such as memory...
November 14, 2018 3 min read
Living with Pimples on Your Face It's interesting how there are times we wake up one morning and notice an unwanted lump on our face. Pimples may appear few and far between or they may appear often and nest in many areas on our face. We often feel extremely unlucky when acne seems to make a home out of our face, never really leaving. Knowing which stage you often fall helps define its level of severity, what options there are to treat it, and how long it may take to get better.Β First Stage of Acne The first stage is...
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For Older Children and Pre-Teens, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of Pre-Teens inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
We offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support