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Code "HEART"Saves 20%!
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November 14, 2018 3 min read
How Cancer Spreads Cancer comes in a variety of hideous forms that can attack our body on the inside and out, and lit begins in the cells. There are some people who may not know we all live with carcinogens in our bodies. However, cancer does not typically develop because of our immune system normally does not give those carcinogens a change to multiply and take over. Cancer can also occur due to our own cells Β that become faulty due to a DNA mutation and rapidly divide, causing what we know as tumors. Mutations within our bodies and foreign bodies...
November 14, 2018 3 min read
Similar to people, flowers, and animals amber comes in a variety of characteristics in the form of colors and shapes. In fact, if you look really closely at any piece of amber you will find that no two that are exactly identical. The beauty of amber is that it is extremely rich in color and there is believed to be around 500 hues. The type of color amber may possess are influenced on a number of factors such as the environment, soil, resin, and water it is created from. Weather changes and chemical reactions are particularly responsible for the unique...
November 14, 2018 3 min read 1 Comment
How Baltic Amber Works On Adults Baltic amber has been used as a source of pain relief for hundreds of years from the time it was discovered, and the benefits of the "bead" is made from fossilized tree resin that work wonders on treating ailments of the mind and body. Although our body is made and equipped to handle sickness and stress on its own, there are times our immune system is lowered or we need that extra boost to feel better. Baltic amber is able to release powerful powers to the body when the beads are in contact with...
September 23, 2018 3 min read
How long does it take for amber teething necklace to work? People are frugal shoppers for a reason whether it is price, quality, amount or a combination of these things that we are concerned about. We all work hard for our money and do not like to through away our hard earned funded that easily. When it is a product that is concerned, the primary factor individuals think about is how long will the item last them if they decide to get it. It really wouldn't make sense to spend good money on something only to learn it is now...
February 07, 2018 3 min read 1 Comment
So You Have a Rash Whether it is during our childhood, teenage, or adult years we all have come across problems with our skin that that make us feel distraught by how its appearance makes us feel around others or because of the pain and itching that may come with it. A rash can appear for a number of reasons, and thankfully, most are self limiting and harmless. Those that are recurrent or take months to go away need that extra love. Finding out what your triggers are for developing a rash is also just as important because identifying and...
January 15, 2018 3 min read
Being There For Someone at the Hospital No one ever wishes for their loved ones to fall sick,Β get injured or go through some form of emotional turmoil that resulted in a trip to the hospital. While it may the last wish or thought on our mind, it does happen. Most of us hope to bring a smile on a friend, relative, or lover's face when we visit to enhance their mood, especially when they are feeling down. Our presence and a thoughtful gift is often the perfect remedy to give a recovering patient to brighten their spirit. Sending Your...
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Separation Anxiety Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
For Older Children and Pre-Teens, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of Pre-Teens inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support
We offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...
There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of inventory below!
All Products Asthma & Breathing Sadness & Depression Anger & Stress Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support